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A Special Note from Christopher K. Morgan


Aloha Friends,

It is with professional and personal joy that I write to share exciting news with you. In February I joined the Maui Arts and Cultural Center (the MACC) as their Vice President of Programming. I am honored to be stepping into a role that has been so beautifully held by the incredible Colleen Furukawa, a visionary arts leader, who has been with the MACC for nearly 21 years. Colleen and the MACC have been key partners to the work of CKM&A, for the past seven years, co-commissioning and presenting CKM&A works Pōhaku and Native Intelligence/Innate Intelligence.

For over 10 years I have longed to live in Hawai’i, the islands that both of my parents left in the 1950s in search of better economic opportunities. I have been privileged to spend time in Hawai’i over the years, but I have never lived in the land of my ancestors. This rare chance to move to Maui, continue my work in support of the arts, and be the first Native Hawaiian Executive at the 27-year-old Maui Arts and Cultural Center to move HOME - was one I could not turn down.

You may have recently seen an announcement that I was transitioning out of my role as Executive Artistic Director of Dance Place to join the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) as the Director of the Center for Native Arts and Culture (CNAC). It is with mixed emotions that I am leaving NACF so soon as I love the organization dearly. I take comfort in the knowledge that NACF is uniquely poised to understand the importance of moving "home” for a dispossessed Native person such as myself. Assisting NACF in the development of CNAC is the fulfillment of a dream I didn’t know I had. Little did I know that the fulfillment of a long-held personal dream was waiting for me. 

With all of this change, my identity as an artist is unwavering. CKM&A has spent the past several years evolving our ways of working. That evolution will continue as we span even greater geographies. Stay tuned for updates on CKM&A’s continued performances and educational offerings.

Throughout the health, social justice, and economic pandemics of the past two years, change has been our constant companion. My capacity to accept change and adapt has stretched beyond what I previously thought was possible. I carry this ongoing lesson with me into this transition, as well as my profound appreciation for everyone at Dance Place, the NACF, and the MACC.


Yours in dance,



  © 2024 Christopher K. Morgan & Artists

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