Help us soar! Contribute to CKM&A
Now in our 9th season, CKM&A is grateful for the opportunities to broaden our national reach as we prepare for Native Intelligence / Innate Intelligence this year. The work has collaborators, partners, presenters and supporters that connect us to a network that crisscrosses the United States. The enormous scale of Native Intelligence / Innate Intelligence reminds us of our many responsibilities; as storytellers, as a small business providing equitable pay to artists, and as a community centered arts group fostering meaningful and layered engagement through performance, education and gathering.

Support professional dancers, musicians, designers and visual artists with paid work.
Amplify and promote under represented voices, especially perspectives that come from the Native Hawaiian community and People of Color.
Investigate and deepen the intersectionality in Christopher's work, informed by his childhood connections to hula that have deepened in the last few years.
Support the development of pre-professional and professional artists through our educational initiatives
Looking back at 2019, CKM&A:
performed for 1,368 audience members at 7 venues in 5 states.
taught 454 pre-professional & professional dancers throughout the U.S. and abroad.
engaged 13 dancers, 2 musicians, and 6 designers in paid creative work.
Partnered with 8 organizations for performances, panel discussions, workshops and community engagements including The Washington Ballet, Halcyon, Kreeger Museum, Consortium of Asian American Theater Artists, American College Dance Association, Halau Kukunaokala, Association of Performing Arts Professionals, and Dance USA.
Christopher was the recipient of an inaugural Dance USA Fellowship for Artists
Commissioned by Swarthmore College & The University of Kentucky
Presented the world premiere of Christopher’s most recent work On Defen(c)e * all statistics current as of December 2019
Donations by check should be made out to
Fractured Atlas
and mailed to:
Christopher K. Morgan & Artists
7035 Blair Rd NW, #213
Washington, DC 20012
CKM&A, LLC is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Fractured Atlas will receive grants for the purposes of CKM&A, provide oversight to ensure that grant funds are used in accordance with grant agreements, and provide reports as required by the grantor. Contributions for the purposes of CKM&A must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.